Pencarian Buku
Kelompok Buku

Jumlah Buku : 10785
No. No. Klasifikasi Judul Buku Penulis Penerbit Jml Buku Stok
1. 605 Buletin Khusus - 24 24
2. 923.1 BAR B Biografi Gus Dur Greg Barton Mahabbah 4 4
3. TESTING123 TESTING 123-456 AKU 123 Mahabbah 3 2
4. 621.59 INT I International Advances in Cryogenic Engineering Volume 10 - a Cryogenic Engineering Conference Publication 1 1
5. 693.5 RIC C Concrete notebook JG Richardson, Fiwm Ambim A Viewpoint 3 3
6. 548 BLO C 2 Crystallography and crystal chemistry : An introduction F. Donald Bloss A Viewpoint 3 3
7. 620.004.2 HAU A Applied Optimal Design : Mechanical and Structural Systems Edward J. haug; Jasbir S. Arora A Wiley Interscience 1 1
8. 624.171 FER D- dynamics and Vibration of Structures Demeter G.Fertis A Wiley Interscience 1 1
9. 620.112 FAU E Engineering Design : A Synthesis of Stress Analysis and Materials Engineering Joseph h. Faupel, Ph.D; Franklin E. Fisher, Ph.D A Wiley Interscience 1 1
10. 553.8 HUR G Gemology Cornelius S Hurlbut Jr, George S Switzer A Wiley Interscience 3 3
11. 621.132.134 COR O Ocean wave Energy Conversion Michael E. McCormick A Wiley Interscience 1 1
12. 621.317 DEW P Power Semiconductor Drives S.B.Dewan; G.R. Slemon, A.Straughen A Wiley Interscience 1 1
13. 624.171 HUE F The Finite Element Method For Engineers Kenneth H.Huebner A Wiley Interscience 1 1
14. 711.6 APP A Application and Planning Guide - A Wirtgen Group Company 1 1
15. 624.15 GEO G Geosynthetics : application, design and construction Proceedings of the first European geosynthetics conference Eurogeo 1/Maastricht/Netherland/ 30 Sept-2Oct 1996 editor : MB De Groot, G Den Hoedt, RJ Termaat AA Balkema 3 3
16. 622.1 HUS O 1 Open pit mine planning & design Vol. 1 Fundamentals William Hustrulid and Mark Kuchta AA Balkema 2 2
17. 621.319.2 MIS R-2 1 Rangkaian listrik Budiono Mismail AAA Tridata 5 5
18. 362.1 ASS A Assesing the contributions of the social sciencies to health Edited by M Harvey Breener, Anne Mooney and Thomas J Nagy AAAS Selected Symposium 1 1
19. 620.004.2 DAV H How big and still beautiful? : Macro-engineering revisited Edited by Frank P Davidson ... [] AAAS Selected Symposium 1 1
20. 301.35 VIL V Village viability in contemporary society Priscilla Copeland Reining, Barbara Lenherd AAAS Selected Symposium 1 1